In the decade that I have been a stationer, learning about fine print methods has become my most beloved passion.
I've befriended printers around the globe, and my intimate knowledge of fine printing has set me apart from all other stationers. Almost all Sincerely, Jackie wedding invitations have been purposefully designed to be beautifully executed in any print method; or, my favorite, in any mix of print methods. Achieving the perfect suite through a combination of print methods, to hit exactly my clients budget, is not an easy task, but something I occasionally get a little too excited about. Here are my favorite print methods, and the ones I offer to all Sincerely, Jackie clients.
The finest of all print methods, genuine engraving is the only fine print method where a luxuriously raised textured is achieved. Engraving is available in any color, however, most couples fall in love with the the shimmering metallic hues used to create silver and gold. Engraving can be done on any paper surface, light or dark, and may be carefully paired with letterpress printing.
Both letterpress and foil stamping are widely loved for their deep impressions into paper. The translucent inks of letterpress are ideal on light colored papers. Cotton papers are preferred printing surfaces for letterpress, since their plushness allows for the deep letterpress impressions.
Both letterpress and foil stamping are widely loved for their deep impressions into paper. The opaque metallic film used in foil stamping produces vivid color on any paper, light or dark. Foil stamping is the only way to achieve a true metallic finish, making it a sought after method for printing all shades of gold and silver.
A form of raised printing that achieves a true metallic finish, at a more affordable price point. Silk screen printing is done by hand and is the most popular print method for budget conscience couples looking for gold printing. Screen printing is available on a vast selection of papers designed exclusively for silk screen printing, including white, ivory, black, navy, and grey.
Digital printing, commonly called “flat” printing, is the most affordable print method. There is no texture achieved through digital printing, leaving the printed surface flat to the touch. Digital printing is done by an automated commercial printer and is available in any matte ink color as you’d like. A variety of papers may be used to achieve a stunning design at an affordable price.