Paper Cuts: Refresh Yourself

I really love being open an honest around the things that I'm experiencing as a small business owner. We are ALL in this together and we ALL have very similar experiences. So today I want to talk about something that I'm dealing with at the moment, and that I think we ALL need to take more care of; refreshing ourselves.
The last few weeks here at Sincerely, Jackie have been busy. I'm so thankful to be booking clients who I love, and to be creating beautiful wedding stationery every day. It's easy to work 14+ hours a day when you love every minute of what you're doing. I usually wake up excited to start the day, excited to chat with my brides, and giddy with anticipation over the pretty deliveries that come to my door all day long.
But a few days ago I woke up anxious. I had an overwhelming to-do list, and I dreaded putting together design drafts, having consultations, answering emails, and blogging. My house had no food, laundry was piling up, and I was canceling plans with friends and family so that I could try and meet deadlines for work. I got my first migraine since leaving my full-time job this past July, and I forced myself to work through it. My friends and family expressed concern about my schedule, and I found myself getting defensive.
The truth is, they were right. I hadn't taken a day off in OVER A MONTH! I was feeling burnt out, uninspired, and behind. It's funny how the less time off you allow yourself, the less productive you end up being.
Friends, I would love to say that it's important to set business hours (it is), and to adhere to those business hours (it is), and that you have to give yourself days off (you do), but the truth is, that, more than anything, you need to be flexible and listen to your body. If you need a day off, take it. If you need an extra day to send a client a draft, tell them it's going to come a day later. If you make plans with friends or family, do everything in your power to go.
Yesterday was one of those days where I felt heavy starting the day. So I did a few hours of work and then I took off. Like, off off. My husband and I drove out East to have lunch with my grandparents and then hit up a few furniture outlet stores. We came home, ordered in a healthy dinner, and then curled up on the sofa to watch the SNL 40 on DVR. I got out my watercolors and casually painted while watching TV.
It was such a refreshing day and exactly what I needed. I woke up this morning inspired and excited again.
So that's my business tip for today. Refresh yourself. You'll appreciate it, your loved ones will appreciate it, your clients will appreciate it, and your business will grow from it. I promise.
Wednesdays here on the blog are all about sharing Paper Cuts, which is a behind-the-scenes, down to Earth business advice series. I hope you've enjoyed today's Paper Cuts topic, and look forward to having you back next time! To read past Paper Cut posts, click here.