Coffe Date: Marching Along

It's the second week of March, and I'm finally finding a few moments to relax. Such a welcome change or pace, and I know it will be short-lived.
Today is my husband's birthday and he happens to be off from work. I'm taking advantage of being my own boss and am taking the day off, as well, so that my husband and I can spend the day together. We're heading to Eastern Long Island to visit the outlet stores (there's a Restoration Hardware outlet! We're hoping to find a piece for our dining room), have lunch, visit our cousin's new home, visit out other cousin's new baby, and then have dinner at the in-laws (empanadas and chicken cutlets - my husband's favorite).
I hope you all are having a wonderful Thursday as well!
Come back every Thursday for a coffee (or tea!) date. During our coffee dates, I let my hair down and chat a bit more personally about whatever's on my mind, as if we were old friends catching up over a cup of java at the local coffee house. See you next week!